Tuesday 7 June 2016

Independent Learning Log #4 by Kinjal Agarwal (02)

7 June 2016


What I did:
I decided to look up the internet about one of our founding fathers, late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and came across this website.

What I learned:
Words I did not understand:
Diplomat - an official representing a country abroad.
Monuments - a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a notable person Aggrandising - increase the power, status, or wealth of

This article is about Lee Kuan Yew and what he had done for Singapore before he had passed away. The article tells us about all his contributions and sacrifices he had for the country. It focuses on all the time he had spent on devoting his whole life for his beloved country, Singapore. His had even turned Singapore from an obscure fishing village to a very developed country.

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