Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Creative writing task 3 by Kinjal Agarwal

       When I was a child, I well remember when I was given a mug of milk. I disliked milk a lot as I thought it was disgusting. I took the milk and went to the window of my room. When nobody was looking, I quickly poured the milk down the window. Unfortunately, my elder sister saw me. She was a telltale so immediately told my mother. She screamed at me and told me to go to my bed in this instance.
       I walked into my room as slow as a snail. I was not sleepy at all as I just had had a long nap. I got changed into my night suit before lying down on the hard bed. The curtains were open, and the room was brightly lit. I could hear the loud conversations going on in the Living room, At last, I fell into a troubled sleep.
       I woke up with a start when I heard the door open. I felt a light touch on my hand. It was gentle and soothing. There was a strong fragrance. I was astonished as my eyes blinked continuously. Something was definitely fishy. I sat up thinking, ”What was that at night?”

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